The fee is 25 percent of money that is owed by the Social Security Administration. Our fee agreement must be approved by the Social Security Administration. Federal law limits charges for representation, to the lesser of 25% of an individual’s past-due benefits, or a maximum fee of $6,000.
The fee is based on all benefits you and your dependents are entitled to from the date their disability began until the date that they are approved for benefits.
We don’t receive any fee from monthly benefits that my clients receive after they are approved. If our client is not approved for benefits, we do not get any money from you.
Our fee is withheld by Social Security from past-due benefits owed you. The fee is paid to our office by the Social Security Administration after the claim is approved.
To protect individuals that are applying for Social Security Disability/SSI benefits, the Social Security Administration must approve any fee that is charged.
We are required to obtain written authorization from the Social Security Administration to represent you, and approval of our fee agreement. A sample is attached. Social Security also allows a client to submit a written objection if an unfair fee is being charged. Since attorney fees in Social Security Disability and SSI claims are regulated by federal law, the majority of Social Security attorneys throughout the United States charge the same fees for Social Security claims.
Why Hire Us?
If you are not approved for Social Security Disability Insurance/SSI benefits, we do not require that you repay any costs that we incur. Costs are normally medical records, medical opinions, copying and postage expenses.
Additional medical documentation is normally required in order to prove disability.
At the initial and reconsideration levels of the Social Security Disability process, we provide details about your treatment to the Disability Determination Service so that records can be obtained.
If the Disability Determination Service does not receive a response from a treating doctor, our office will request the records on your behalf to avoid a denial due to incomplete evidence.
At the Administrative Law Judge level, the Social Security Administration will normally not request updated records.
If we find that a client’s Social Security Disability/SSI claim presents unique problems, we will discuss them with you. Unique problems include (1) pre-existing overpayment with the Social Security Administration, (2) substantial unpaid federal income taxes; (3) workers compensation payments that would eliminate eligibility for monthly payments from the Social Security Administration.
Your Green Bay and Appleton Social Security / Disability Attorney:
