Recka & Associates represents families in financial distress!
Stop Foreclosures, Stop Wage Garnishment, Bill Collections, Medical Bills, Credit Card Debt, Lawsuits, Vehicle Repossession.
There is an innovative Wisconsin Statute, known as Section 128, that may help you get out of debt and avoid bankruptcy? If your situation is applicable, our team will use that Statute to help you and your family.
In the past, we have sued creditors for rude calls and credit reporting agencies for reporting bankruptcy on credit reports, when the Wisconsin Statute 128 has been used to satisfy debts. We can help you protect your family and put a stop to the harassing phone calls by creditors. We will help you find relief!
- STOP Foreclosure
- STOP Garnishment
- STOP Repossession
- STOP Law Suits
- STOP Creditor Harassment
What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? This is the most commonly used form of bankruptcy. This provides generally honest people who have limited financial means for whatever reason with a fresh start by eliminating many of their most common financial obligations through discharge. In return for this, they must turn over to the trustee certain nonexempt assets. These certain nonexempt assets are sold with the proceeds distributed to creditors according to priorities set forth.
What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? This is a proceeding in which a debtor proposes to his/her creditors and the court a plan that enables the debtor to repay as much debt as possible given their current financial situation. After determining a reasonable budget, the debtor’s remaining income is paid by the debtor’s employer to the trustee who pays the creditors accordingly. This generally lasts 3-5 years.
What is Section 128? Residents of Wisconsin may utilize the protection of Section 128 under state law. It provides almost the same protection from creditors received by filing for bankruptcy. Filing a petition under Chapter 128 stops garnishment, law suits and reduces high interest rates. When compared to bankruptcy, Section 128 is cheaper, easier to file and better for your credit.
Bankruptcy Court Document Part 1 (Please Read)
Bankruptcy Court Document Part 2 (Please Read)
NEW! U.S. Vows to Battle Abusive Debt Collectors (Please Read)
NEW! California Sues JPMorgan Chase Over Credit Card Cases (Please Read)
Your Bankruptcy Attorney
