Personal Injury / Car Crash Attorney Recka & Associates, Green Bay and Appleton’s personal injury attorneys, can help if someone has personally injured you. We can assist you in a fast, honorable, and dignifying manner after you have been injured by a motorist with little to no insurance, or when your own insurance company has become the enemy. Recka & Associates is dedicated to representing individuals and families who have been injured or who have lost loved ones from injuries due to the negligence of others.
Motorcycle Injury "I was in a motorcycle accident. A hay wagon turned in front of me and I hit it. I broke my arm in two places and now have metal plates in my arm. I also nearly lost my left leg. After I was in the hospital, I got a call from my insurance company saying that the guy wanted money to repair his wagon. It was at that point I decided to get a lawyer. They did a great job handling my case. The settlement gave me peace of mind, and something to fall back on." - Greg, Oneida
Car Accidents Personal injuries due to another's negligence can never be anticipated; therefore, you can never fully prepare for them. Pain, disfigurement, loss of mobility and other physical challenges can come as a shock, and these can disrupt work, finances, friendships and family time, not to mention the ability to earn a living.
An experienced personal injury attorney can fight to attain the financial award necessary to achieve justice and to compensate you for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income and lost earning potential.
Dog Bite Every year the number of innocent children and adults that are seriously injured or killed by dogs in the United States increases dramatically. Dog bites account for 15 to 20 deaths per year in America. Most of these bites are to the face, causing dangers of infection, trauma and scarring.
If you have been seriously injured by an animal attack, you need to hire an attorney who understands the applicable law, the insurance company nonsense, and the defendants' attorneys and their dilatory and obstructive tactics. You need an attorney who is committed to you and your case and can obtain for you the results you deserve.
Wrongful Death If you have been injured due to the negligence of another person, or have lost a loved one due to wrongful death, get answers from an experienced lawyer. Attorney Joe Recka can meet with you in person or speak with you over the phone to assess your injuries, applicable liability laws, and possible next steps.
What Is My Claim Worth? If you have been in an accident caused by the actions of another party, you have the right to seek compensation from that individual and his or her insurance company for:
- Past, current and future estimated medical expenses
- Time lost from work, including time spent going to medical appointments or therapy
- Property damage, such as damage to your vehicle
- The cost of hiring someone to do household chores when you couldn't do them
- Any permanent disfigurement or disability
- Your emotional distress, including anxiety, depression and any interference with your family relationships
- A change in your future earning ability due to the injury
- Any other costs directly resulting from your injury
How much time do I have to file a lawsuit in the State of Wisconsin?
In Wisconsin, your statute of limitations may be as short as 120 days from the date of your collision. This extremely short statute of limitations occurs if any part of your claim involves any governmental entity. In most cases, personal injury claims are subject to a three (3) year statute of limitations. If you fail to resolve your claim or fail to file a lawsuit by your statute of limitations date, you will be time barred from proceeding with your claim. You should consult an attorney immediately after a collision to make sure all your interests are adequately protected. Remember we offer free initial consultations.
You are David, they are Goliath - we are your slingshot! We will provide you with peace of mind.
We will offer you safety, security, honesty and integrity - with fair and just settlements. Home and hospital visits are available upon request.
I was just in an accident, what should I do?
There are a few steps you should take immediately upon realizing you have a personal injury case. Aside from going to a doctor and hiring a personal injury attorney, you should make sure to document everything surrounding the personal injury incident. Take photos of any injuries (personal or on property) and write down your own account of what happened while it is still fresh in your mind. Collect any other physical evidence, and speak to any eyewitnesses to the accident. Notify your insurance companies of what happened, and also have your legal counsel notify any other involved parties of your intent to file a legal claim. This way you have covered all of your bases, legally, so that you will be able to have a strong personal injury case.
Your Car Crash Lawyer:
